Auralex D36 roominator kit Charcoal/Charcoal

Midlertidig utsolgt
kr 3 360

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Roominator-DST Kits span a wide variety of applications, addressing the acoustic and aesthetic needs of the small project studio as well as the most demanding professional mix/mastering environments. Whether it's your first studio, a home theater, or a Pro Tools Suite, the Roominators-DST Kits are designed to dramatically improve your acoustics, and give you a great designer look! Now you can have the expertise, features, and performance that you have come to expect from Auralex!

Perfect for spot treatment and that designer look. The Roominators D36 acoustic sound control kit offers you a starting point to reduce unwanted slap and flutter echo in your room. Think of all the creative possibilities these kits afford you as you begin to tune your room.

The D36-DST™ Roominator™ Kit offers you a starting point to reduce unwanted slap and flutter echo in your room. Think of all the creative possibilities these kits afford you as you begin to tune your room.

Perfect for vocal booths, isolation rooms, or small spaces with dimensions of approximately 6' x 8' x 8'.


(18) Charcoal  DST-112™ panels
(18) DST-114™ panels (Available in Charcoal, Burgundy, and Purple)
Mounting Adhesive Included
Roominator-DST™ Kits span a wide variety of applications, addressing the acoustic and aesthetic needs of the small, project studio, as well as the most demanding professional mixing and mastering environments. Whether it’s your first studio, a home theater, or a Pro Tools Suite, the Roominators-DST™ Kits are designed to dramatically improve your acoustics, and give you a great designer look!

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